Announcement for the Day! | PIxabay by Skitterphoto
Announcement for the Day! | PIxabay by Skitterphoto
The City of Kearney Utilities Department announces a water main work will take place in the right lane of northbound N Avenue and the adjacent sidewalk
from north of the driveway to 4615 N Avenue to East 47th Street, requiring closure of both. The closure will start at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 14,
2023. The roadway and sidewalk are anticipated to be reopened completely by 4 p.m. on Monday, March 27, 2023, weather and construction permitting.
Motorists are asked to use caution in the area and to watch for construction workers and equipment. If an alternate route is possible, we recommend that
motorists use the alternate route.
Original source can be found here.