Governor Jim Pillen | Governor Jim Pillen Official website
Governor Jim Pillen | Governor Jim Pillen Official website
LINCOLN, NE – On May 30, Governor Jim Pillen signed LB753 (Opportunity Scholarships Act) – the first school choice bill in Nebraska's history to be signed into law. Governor Pillen was joined at the event by state senators, school choice advocacy representatives, and students.
LB753 commits $50 million in tax credits for scholarships to kids across Nebraska with priority for scholarships going to kids who live in poverty, foster care, experience bullying, harassment, or other victimizing behaviors, or have a parent or guardian who is serving in the military. With the Governor's signature, Nebraska joins 48 other states offering school choice.
"This legislation is a historic step forward for the state of Nebraska," said Governor Pillen. "Our kids are our future, and we all believe that every Nebraska kid should have the opportunity to have their educational needs met, whether they live in Omaha or Scottsbluff. This law ensures that we are funding students, not systems."
"Today is about the kids and families in Nebraska whose lives will be changed thanks to the freedom to attend a school that best fits their needs," said Senator Lou Ann Linehan. "It has been my honor and privilege to be part of this effort and it would not have been possible without the leadership and commitment of Governor Pillen, Speaker Arch, so many of my colleagues in the Legislature, and hundreds of advocates and families who have been fighting to open the doors of opportunity to kids who need it most."
"This is not an anti-public school bill. This is a pro-parent bill," said Senator Justin Wayne. "This is a bill that gives parents an option to help them and to give their kid a hope for their education."
"Today, we are blessed to witness the historic signing of this bill, which will give opportunity to Nebraska kids, regardless of their socioeconomic status," said Tanya Santos, principal at Holy Name School. "Many more parents will have the ability to choose the right educational fit for our children."
"LB753 ensures that more Nebraska parents have the opportunity to find the best school for their children," said Jeremy Ekeler, the associate director of education policy for the Nebraska Catholic Conference. "This is critical because kids get just one shot at an education. We thank Governor Pillen, Senator Wayne, and especially Senator Linehan for their support of kids and parents."
"This program will give children an opportunity to get an education that best fits them in their academic lifetime," said Clarice Jackson, the executive director for the Voice Advocacy Center. "These children cannot wait, and now they will finally have a chance."
Original source can be found here